Friday, November 21, 2008


the work was very difficult to do but it was fun. this was a useful work because i will be able to use it in the future and now i know how the program works. it was a tough project. i think i did well but in class i worked very badly. during class i: swinged on my chair, played with my friends, lost time and other bad things. at the same time i am proud of myself because i finished it in time.

at the begining it wasnt what i was thoughting it would be because finding images took very difficult and it took a lot of time because we never found the image we were looking for. to get the images we needed to save ina a file and get the web sit, at the beggining i didnt do that so i had to look for them and save them.

the storyboard was also very difficult because we also had to check it and also because we had to do at least twenty actions.

doing the final product (putting in photostory) was fast, it took me one lesson.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008



today i continued my investigation, i think i havent been behaving well but i will try next lesson to behave much better

Thursday, September 11, 2008


hi again

in I.T. we are going to work with photostory 3 we will have a big project which is connected to our french classes. we will use photostory 3 to manipulate the photos that we will put in our photostory

Thursday, September 4, 2008

YEAR 8!!!!!!!!

finally year 8, this year in it I am going to do photo story with the best teacher in the world mrs dietrich. last year it was very nice and trough the project mrs dietrich helped me a lot yo get a 7 thankyou mrs i hope we have a very good yeartogether

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


today i continued my design but i am still very behind.

Friday, May 30, 2008


today i continued my project and i think i am very late